Dedication and Confession – to Mr. Bob Gossack

I had the good fortune to have Mr. Gossack as both my freshman Earth Science and my senior Advanced Biology teacher at Anaconda High School. He was definitely one of my favorite teachers. This post is dedicated to Mr. Gossack. This post is also a confession.

Mr. Gossack used a hands-on approach and focused on […]

To Yellowstone & Back – Life is a Journey

“Life is a journey, not a destination.”

Those words, often credited to Ralph Waldo Emerson, are my motto. The experiences I enjoyed journeying to and from Yellowstone National Park last weekend demonstrate the truth of those words.

Our journey experiences began on the way to Yellowstone as I drove through a gauntlet of elk, […]

2 companies on shit list, 2.75 I’m pleased with after my 10 hour hassle today

At about 10:00 this morning I headed down the hill from home. The car didn’t seem to be handling the ice well. I crawled down in first gear and thought it must be icier than it looked. As I turned onto Hwy 93 and accelerated it became obvious there was another problem. I pulled […]

Of Mariposa Lilies and Memories

On Saturday, I went for a drive with my Dad and husband south of East Fork Reservoir up the Carp Ridge Road up to the Maloney Basin trailhead (now labeled Co Rd 5141 — why oh why must we replace names with numbers — but that’s another story). The area has enjoyed plentiful rainfall […]

“the quawmash is now in blume” (again)

“the quawmash is now in blume”

“the quawmash is now in blume and from the colour of its bloom at a short distance it resembles lakes of fine clear water, so complete is this deseption that on first sight I could have swoarn it was water.”

So said Captain Meriwether Lewis on June 12, […]