Mountain DAYLIGHT Time!

One of my favorite M2WB (that’s Mission Mountain Wood Band, for the uninitiated) songs is “Mountain Standard Time.” My favorite time zone, though, is really Mountain DAYLIGHT Time.

I’ve heard some whining from some of my friends (you know who you are) about the whole time change thing. I gotta tell you, I LOVE […]

Noisy noontime at Maclay Flats

It’s time to for me to get back into the swing of taking lunchtime walks. So, today I visited Maclay Flats at lunch. Noisy place. Northern flickers were singing and drumming. Pileated woodpeckers were singing and drumming. Almost felt springlike… But, let’s not get ahead of ourselves. Despite a lack of snow on the […]

Look What the Weather Blew In

Look What the Weather Blew In, originally uploaded by BigSkyKatie.

We abruptly went from summer temperatures to winter temparatures overnight a few days ago. My feeders have been busy since and I’ve been pleased to have an irruption of evening grosbeaks visit for the first time in a year or more.

This is […]

Old Friends

Old Friends, originally uploaded by BigSkyKatie.

Officially retired, but not yet discarded. I put them in the garbage today and took them back out. We’ve been together for too many adventures…

Our day at Granite Park Chalet & the hike out via The Loop

** If you haven’t already, you should read the first installment of this trip report first — scroll down to the previous post.

I woke pre-dawn on Monday morning. Nature called. My feet objected to movement but the trip was necessary. As I was walking to the outhouse, a frozen rain drop, blown out […]