Mother’s Day

For Mother’s Day, I asked my son to spend the day with me at the National Bison Range. Apparently everyone in the region had the same idea. I’ve never seen so many vehicles (and they were mostly full!) at the National Bison Range!

Getting there and back is a bit of a hassle these […]

Weekend in Wonderland

Last weekend I enjoyed a trip to Yellowstone with my parents, aunt and two little cousins. It was my first trip since the interior roads were opened to wheeled vehicles for Spring 2009.

We enjoyed seeing a couple black bears and three grizzlies over the course of the weekend — or at least […]

Lumberjacks, lumberjills and springtime in the Mission Valley

Mom, Bridger and I enjoyed a busy day with lots of variety on Saturday. Saturday afternoon we were spectators at Forestry Day at the Historical Museum at Fort Missoula. It was the first time I’ve ever watched woodsmen competitions or “forester olympics,” as my son preferred to term the events.

I was impressed by […]

Peeking out

Peeking out, originally uploaded by BigSkyKatie.

A garter snake peeks out of the rocks that concealed a mob of them. While I was sitting there today a couple slithered right under and along my legs. I became aware of the “nest” yesterday when I missed a mating ball by about an hour. A […]

Feeder Still Busy With Red Crossbills

A male red crossbill surveys the area. My feeders continue to be busy with red crossbills, dark eyed juncos, and pine siskins.

They are not at all shy. A friend of my husband’s has been replacing our flooring downstairs (new tile). He has reported that during the day the crossbills have been so […]