Sunday at the National Bison Range

I spent another Sunday at the National Bison Range yesterday.

A herd of bison was along Pauline Creek. I tend to take bison for granted but yesterday I stopped and watched them for a while. I enjoyed watching the “little red doggies” play, nuzzle their mothers, nurse… I enjoyed watching the adults graze and […]

Repeat performance

On our way to Bridger’s last soccer practice this evening, Bridger and I “discovered” that there are not one, but two fox dens out near Ft. Missoula, in the same general area as last year. The two dens have kits of distinctly different size.

One of the smaller kits…


Memorial Day Weekend – Yellowstone NP – Sun

Today was a quiet day in the Park, for us. Plenty of wildlife, but none of it close enough for my short glass.

The highlight of the day was Dad’s discovery of a badger den. We stopped at a pullout from which we watched a coyote den years ago. Dad was glassing the many, […]

Memorial Day Weekend – Yellowstone NP – Sat

I’m tired so sorry if this is incoherent.

Started the day with a stop to visit the great horned owl nest in Mammoth. Visited with Bart, Monique and Dave Shumway there while enjoying the owls. Upon leaving there I headed east.

At Blacktail Lakes I was surprised to see a harlequin duck! What […]


Spring is definitely springing at the National Bison Range. I returned today, this time in the company of my mother, sister and son. Mom had not made her first trip of the season over Red Sleep Mountain and Stacy had not made a visit in quite some time. It was a mostly uneventful trip, […]