It has become something of a tradition in my family to make a visit to Yellowstone on, or as near as possible, to her birthday (March 1). This year was no exception.
Saturday morning we passed through the Roosevelt Arch around 7:00. By 7:30 we had arrived at Blacktail Creek where we saw 3, […]
Yesterday a local radio station asked, on their Facebook page: “What’s your local “sign it’s almost spring?” A couple of the radio personalities (yes, I’m one of the “19 listeners” of Craig & Al) consider the first dead skunk on the road a sign. Others consider the arrival of robins a sign.
I travel the […]
I’m a big-time slacker. I have not made a post since early September! So, what have I been up to? Well, I enjoyed a September trip to Yellowstone. The elk were in rut at that time. My sister and I enjoyed watching a herd of elk with 20-30 cows and about 15 bulls, of […]
So, I forgot to mention in my last entry about our hike to Granite Park Chalet in the preceding days, that as I made camp at the St. Mary Campground on Friday night, I felt like I’d “come home” to my “home away from home.” The Chalet is comfortable enough, but I spend just […]
When we made our first (well, first as a couple and my first) trip to Granite Park Chalet in 2009, we thought we had poor weather for the trip. We were wrong. Even the wintery weather and poor visibility of the day we spent at the Chalet in 2009, while colder (albeit drier), was […]