Homeward Bound

The last half day of my solo camping trip in Yellowstone National Park came too soon. I was still having fun!

After putting away the tent, etc., I, like the previous 3 mornings, headed for the Swan Lake area hoping, once again, to see the mama griz with four cubs. I spotted a familiar […]

Vitamin D

On the third day of my solo camping trip to Yellowstone I got a good dose of the ‘sunshine vitamin’ despite a frosty start. It was 24 degrees Fahrenheit as I rolled out of camp at 6:30 and the world was glazed with frost.

It was a bright and beautiful morning. I hadn’t […]

A Beautiful Start

Friday night through Tuesday evening I enjoyed my first solo camping trip to Yellowstone National Park. I had a wonderful time!

I drove through the Roosevelt Arch around 10:00 on Friday night, headed for the Indian Creek Campground, having received a kind and well-timed message from Dave Shumway that there were open campsites to […]

In this corner…

In the blue corner, weighing in at approximately 1500 pounds, “The Big Dude.”

In the red corner, weighing in at approximately 15 pounds, “Little Red.”

I was enjoying a close encounter with “The Big Dude,” trying to keep the legal (by Yellowstone regulation) 25 yards between us (but no more), backpedaling when […]

A Grand Grizzly Day

On Sunday of Memorial Day Weekend, I suggested that since the kids’ trip to Old Faithful with Mom and Laura the previous day had been aborted due to snow/slush/rain, I’d take the kids and make it a hydrothermal feature day including West Thumb, Old Faithful, Black Sand Basin and Firehole Lake Drive. I also […]