I had a great time wracking up more FOY (first-of-year) birds and wild flowers today, birding with a group of birders comprised of folks from Deer Lodge, Missoula, and myself from Lolo. Going with a group, particulary a group comprised of knowledgeable and experienced birders, maximizes the birds seen.
I started today with 99 birds on my year list. I finished with 117. There were several species seen by others in the group that I missed (ruby-crowned kinglet, golden eagle, peregrine falcon and white-crowned sparrow). Here’s my bird list for the day. Some species were seen more than once, but I only noted the first siting of the day for each species. FOY’s are indicated with a * and Lifer’s with a (L)
American Robin | Canyon River GC | |
Rock Pigeon | Canyon River GC | |
European Starling | Deer Creek | |
* Yellow-rumped Warbler | Deer Creek | |
Pine Siskin | Deer Creek | |
Red-breasted Nuthatch | Deer Creek | |
Common Merganser | Deer Creek | |
Red Crossbill | Deer Creek | |
* (L) Orange-crowned Warbler | Deer Creek | Lifer |
* Spotted Towhee | Deer Creek | |
Cassin’s Finch | Deer Creek | |
* Chipping Sparrow | Deer Creek | |
Mountain Chickadee | Deer Creek | |
Black-capped Chickadee | Deer Creek | |
Western Bluebird | Deer Creek | |
Clark’s Nutcracker | Deer Creek | |
* Nashville Warbler | Deer Creek | |
* Ruffed Grouse | Deer Creek | Heard |
* (L) Winter Wren | Deer Creek | Lifer |
* Williamson’s Sapsucker | Deer Creek | |
Evening Grosbeak | Deer Creek | |
Hooded Merganser | Florence Bridge | |
Bufflehead | Florence Bridge | |
Wild Turkey | Lee Metcalf NWR | |
American Kestrel | Lee Metcalf NWR | |
Red-tailed Hawk | Lee Metcalf NWR | |
Ring-necked Pheasant | Lee Metcalf NWR | |
Tree Swallow | Lee Metcalf NWR | |
Northern Shoveler | Lee Metcalf NWR | |
Gadwall | Lee Metcalf NWR | |
Trumpeter Swan | Lee Metcalf NWR | |
American Coot | Lee Metcalf NWR | |
Ring-necked Duck | Lee Metcalf NWR | |
Canvasback | Lee Metcalf NWR | |
Canada Goose | Lee Metcalf NWR | |
American Wigeon | Lee Metcalf NWR | |
Redhead | Lee Metcalf NWR | |
Red-winged Blackbird | Lee Metcalf NWR | |
Green-winged Teal | Lee Metcalf NWR | |
Cinnamon Teal | Lee Metcalf NWR | |
Osprey | Lee Metcalf NWR | |
* Barn Swallow | Lee Metcalf NWR | |
Mallard | Lee Metcalf NWR | |
Northern Pintail | Lee Metcalf NWR | |
Northern Rough-winged Swallow | Lee Metcalf NWR | |
Song Sparrow | Lee Metcalf NWR | |
Yellow-headed Blackbird | Lee Metcalf NWR | |
Pied-billed Grebe | Lee Metcalf NWR | |
Mountain Bluebird | Lee Metcalf NWR | |
Northern Flicker | Lee Metcalf NWR | |
* Turkey Vulture | Lee Metcalf NWR | |
Bald Eagle | Lee Metcalf NWR | Immature |
Black-billed Magpie | Lee Metcalf NWR | |
Western Meadowlark | Lee Metcalf NWR | |
* Wood Duck | Lee Metcalf NWR | |
Pileated Woodpecker | Lee Metcalf NWR | |
Downy Woodpecker | Lee Metcalf NWR | |
* White-breasted Nuthatch | Lee Metcalf NWR | |
American Goldfinch | Lee Metcalf NWR | |
Belted Kingfisher | Lee Metcalf NWR | |
* White-throated Swift | Lee Metcalf NWR | |
* Pygmy Nuthatch | Lee Metcalf NWR | |
Mourning Dove | Lee Metcalf NWR | |
Sandhill Crane | Lee Metcalf NWR | |
Northern Harrier | Lee Metcalf NWR | |
* Violet-green Swallow | Lee Metcalf NWR | |
* Bank Swallow | Lee Metcalf NWR | |
Killdeer | Lee Metcalf NWR | |
* Virginia Rail | Lee Metcalf NWR | |
* Marsh Wren | Lee Metcalf NWR | |
American Crow | Hwy 12 | |
* Golden-crowned Kinglet | Lolo CG |
New wildflowers of the year for me seen today were wild clematis, calypso orchid and cutleaf daisy.
It was a most satisfying day!
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