Yesterday a local radio station asked, on their Facebook page: “What’s your local “sign it’s almost spring?” A couple of the radio personalities (yes, I’m one of the “19 listeners” of Craig & Al) consider the first dead skunk on the road a sign. Others consider the arrival of robins a sign.
I travel the area around observing wildlife enough that neither skunks nor robins are a sign of spring for me — they are both around all the time in some places (I’ve seen robins in every month of the year at the National Bison Range, skunks gnawing on antlers in January snow, etc.).
The arrival of some migratory birds (like osprey!!!!) signal spring for me. The sap starting to flow in willows is another sign. The first nubs of buds on trees one more. Buttercups and yellowbells poking out of the snow yet one more….
But, one of the things I look forward to the most and that makes a big impact for me is the switch to Daylight Saving Time. That hour of daylight after work is good for the soul!
However, I can’t fathom why we were talking about spring on January 31. Let’s not wish our lives away. Embrace each season and enjoy it in its turn, I say!
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