The summer weekend days here in Montana are so packed with opportunities that I have a tough time trying to fit in all I want to do.
The weekend before last, on Friday, I attended the Annual Mission Valley Scholarship fundraiser Writer’s Night at the Mission Valley Country Club in Ronan, MT. A benefit golf tournament precedes the show. One of these years I hope to participate in the golf tournament. Tim Ryan (my cousin) never fails to have, as his guests, outstanding Nashville song writers.
For those of you who have landed here looking for the date of the 2012 Benefit (and site metrics tell me that’s a frequent query), the date for the 2012 (and last) event is Friday, July 13, 2012.
On Saturday I made my way to Anaconda, MT. There was a full moon so I experimented with shooting Lost Creek Falls at night under the full moon. It was a learning experience. I didn’t get the results I wanted. I learned that a four minute exposure, under the light of the full moon, yields daylight colors & exposure! Well, if I wanted daylight colors, I’d shoot in daylight. The other problem with a four minute exposure of a scene that includes trees is the leaves will move if there is so much a as a breath of breeze and there will always be air movement at a waterfall. Live, experiment and learn…
On Sunday I attended Anaconda’s 29th(?) Annual Art in Washoe Park and the concert of Rob Quist and Great Northern. Rob Quist never fails to entertain and I look forward to opportunities to see him — whether he’s playing as part of the Mission Mountain Wood Band, as part of the Odyssey West show with Jack Gladstone, or with Great Northern. Art in Washoe Park is a perennial favorite event. I didn’t get to spend as much time as I’d like visiting the art booths this year. That’s probably a good thing. My husband and I made a rather major purchase there last year. Later that afternoon I took a drive up to Carp Ridge to see what wildflowers were in bloom. I saw beargrass, paintbrush, lupine, heartleaf arnica, elephant heads, yellow columbine, yarrow, sulphur buckwheat, sitka valerian, etc. I was hoping for mariposa lilies, but no luck. Maybe next trip…
Whew! Busy weekend!
Last weekend, I again traveled to Anaconda. On the way there, my weekend, my whole week to be honest, was made when I spotted a great gray owl. He was a cooperative model and I was able to capture quite a number of photos of him with which I am quite pleased. These two have been uploaded to Flickr. I’ll be adding more there as well as to the Photo Gallery as time goes on.
On Saturday some family and I attended Grant Kohr’s Days at the Grant Kohr’s Ranch in Deer Lodge, Montana. Fun, fun, fun!
I actually took it rather easy on Sunday. Rather a nice change…
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